What are the dangers of flying into thunderstorms?

What are the dangers of flying into thunderstorms?

Dangers of flying into thunderstorms:

Severe wind shear and turbulence (with a risk of structural problems, loss of altitude, loss of airspeed) Severe icing Hail Lightning strikes (with a risk of damage to electrical systems) Radio Communications and Navigation interference from static electricity in thunderstorms

What is the effect of weight on the glide range?

What is the effect of weight on the glide range?

The glide range is not affected by the weight. Howver Vmd is. The heavier the aircraft, the higher the Vmd.

How does a stall strip work?

How does a stall strip work?

A stall strip, usually located close to the wing root, causes the airflow to separate at a lower angle of attack and ensures that the wing root stalls before the wing tips.

Explain V1, V2, VR, VMCA and VMCG

Explain V1, V2, VR, VMCA and VMCG

V1 is the decision speed (sometimes referred to as critical engine speed or critical engine failure speed) by which any decision to reject a takeoff must be made.

V2 is the takeoff safety speed which must be attained at the 35 ft height at the end of the required runway distance. This is essentially the best one-engine inoperative angle of climb speed for the airplane and is a minimum speed for flight in that condition until at least 400 ft above the ground. V2 shall be at least 1.1 times VMCA, and no less than 1.2 times VS.

Vr is defined as the speed at which the rotation of the aircraft should be initiated to takeoff attitude.

VMCA is the minimum control speed in the air and is defined as the minimum speed, whilst in the air, that directional control can be maintained with one engine inoperative (critical engine on two engine aerolanes), operating engine(s) at takeoff power and a maximum of 5 degrees of bank towards the good engine(s).

VMCG is the minimum control speed on the ground and is defined as the minimum speed, whilst on the ground, that directional control can be maintained, using only aerodynamic controls, with one engine inoperative (critical engine on two engine airplanes) and takeoff power applied on the other engine(s).

Does the Boeing 737 have a critical engine?

Does the Boeing 737 have a critical engine?

No, there is no P-factor (asymmetric blade effect) as on a propeller-driven aircraft.

Why are the indications on an FMA preferred over an MCP?

Why are the indications on an FMA preferred over an MCP?

Always make sure to update yourself with the latest information on these type of questions.

CFM56-7 series with a max takeoff thrust of 27,300lb.

These engines have higher thrust, improved efficiency, and lower maintenance costs than its predecessor, the CFM56-3 series.

180 minutes extended range (ETOPS).

Bypass ratio 5.5:1

Do single engined planes have a VMCG?

Do single engined planes have a VMCG?

No, VMCG is defined as the minimum control speed on the ground, with one engine inoperative (critical engine on two engine airplanes), takeoff power on other engine(s), using aerodynamic controls only for directional control and thus only applicable to ME aircraft.

Why are NDB powered so that they only have a range between 15-25 miles?

Why are NDB powered so that they only have a range between 15-25 miles?

NDB’s can suffer from a lot of errors.

What are the hydraulic systems of the Boeing 737 called?

What are the hydraulic systems of the Boeing 737 called?

Hydraulic system A and hydraulic system B.

What is a Rhumb Line?

What is a Rhumb Line?

A line across the surface of the earth that cuts all meridians at the same angle. i.e. a track of constant direction.

A straight line on a Mercator chart.

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